Performance Art, Theater, Storytelling, Comedy, Drama - Season 26

The Episodic Theatre Project

Trouble doth ensue at the Baltimore Area Renaissance Faire when the Monarch and Creative Director impulsively announces the fair is closing and she’s dumping all three of her polyamorous partners. Shocked and heartbroken, her fellow employees and lovers—a depressed jester, toxically chivalrous knight, and metaphysically troubled tarot reader—traverse the five stages of grief as they mourn their utopian summer and relationships, and prepare to re-enter the real world.

Please note: You will be witnessing a work-in-progress! Designed to kick start the creative process, The Episodic Theatre Project inspires collaboration and risk-taking through an intensive professional experience that strengthens artistic bonds and community. The five-part play, designed to be viewed in succession, is the culmination of a 5-week intensive process celebrating underrepresented identities. Actors have less than a week to rehearse the material before going in front of a live audience. As such, you may see our actors on script throughout the performance, as we have chosen to focus on making discoveries in the writing through play in the rehearsal room. Thank you for your support of new work!

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